Author Information


Escaping the confines of Brooklyn/Levittown, NY, the author, D. S. Friedman  ventured into the wilderness of Oregon to embark upon a Spiritual journey of  revelation, inspiring her writing of poetry and songs, and making music to the  Best Friend of the heart. Immersed in the study of Scripture, apart from the liturgy of religion resulted in the publication of her first book, The Search.
(see Other Works for purchase options)


A Jewish education along with music appreciation planted fertile ground to learn, grow and compose beautifully inspired music, over 50 songs on her CDs:
PasteurizeDawn to Day, and Like A Rushing Wind, which have inspired thousands on their journey.

Devorah, her Hebrew name, is also a retired pediatric Rn, ThM and mother of three grown daughters. She is an advocate of such groups as The Smile Train, World Vision, The Holocaust Museum, and Jewish Voice.

Playing guitar and piano, she shares her music and poetry at open mics inspiring many in South Florida where she currently resides. To speak with her, or inquire about any of her works:  pls email her at, if you do not have email service you may call her at (954) 608-1974.